Movies, etc.
- Tae Guk Gi - very emotional, dramatic rendering of the Korean War, filmed in Korea by Koreans! Quite powerful but violent too, kinda like Saving Private Ryan or Schindler's List.
- Zhou Yu's Train - comeback role of sorts for Gong Li (Raise the Red Lantern); a story about a woman raised by a train-conductor father whose sole purpose in life, besides painting intricate designs on porcelain bowls and vases, is riding trains, mostly to visit a lover in a far-off province in China, but mostly, just for the sheer heck of it.
- Napoleon Dynamite - Hilarious. Brilliant, really. "What are you gonna do today, Napoleon?" "Whatever I want to. GOSH!!!!"
- I
Huckabees - BORING. Really wanted to like it but this was one of those like the Royal Tennenbaums I had an extremely hard time sitting through and had to turn it off midways. - Beijing Bicycle - Really good story about bike messenger in China & his bike. Liked the side story about the "rich woman" in the window. Also the bath house.
- Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (May)
- Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (also May?)
- Chronicles Of Narnia - Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (December)
- new Doctor Who series from BBC Wales - if we ever get it stateside or islandside.... the assistant's a TOTAL babe.
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